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It’s incredibly stressful and frustrating when your plumbing breaks down, and it always seems to happen at the worst moment in time. This is why it’s important to remain calm and call a team of trusted professionals to get the job done.

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All residential properties are prone to plumbing issues, but older homes are more likely to have rusted pipes that tend to leak or burst. This is why it’s important to have your plumbing regularly checked and if a situation does arise, you call a team of professionals immediately.

Residencial plumbing services near you.


Plumbing issues can plague commercial buildings and pose a range of problems, including water damage and mold. This can pose serious health and safety risks for employees who work in the building.

Commercial plumbing services near you.

Plumbing services: when to call a professional

People these days think they can do anything, but often a well-meaning homeowner or tenant trying to fix a common household plumbing mishap can do more harm than good. There’s no substitute for expertise and experience. Here are a few common household problems and some of the most frequent reasons plumbers are called.

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A list of common household plumbing problems, and how plumbing services can help.

Toilet trouble

How many times have you woken up in the morning or returned home from work to find that your toilet didn’t flush properly and is still running? This is called a “running toilet," and the biggest nuisance here is that it wastes water, especially if left unattended for a long time. Of all the common plumbing problems, this is among the easiest to fix yourself. Much of the time, the problem is with the flapper seal in your toilet tank, and often this can be replaced fairly simply by just buying new ones at a hardware store and installing it yourself. It could also be that the fill tube is too low, with the water level too high for it to do its job. Both of these problems can be fixed pretty quickly, and it may not be necessary to call a plumber if you have experience. Another common problem is a clogged toilet, and you may try to fix this yourself with a plunger. Be careful. A small problem can grow into a big one if you don’t know what you’re doing, and a clogged toilet can lead to all sorts of problems, such as flooding. If you find yourself with a bad clog, a plunger may not do the trick, and this is a good reason to call a plumber. Plumbing services are especially necessary if you see water backing up in the sinks or showers when you flush.

Leaky faucets

This is one of the most common household problems to have, and certainly, when you have a leaky faucet it’s not always necessary to call a plumber if you know the basics like replacing a washer. However, it’s not a problem to ignore, as there are hidden pitfalls to this, such as the fact that a leaky faucet wastes a ton of water, with one plumbing service estimating a single leaky faucet can waste around twenty-three litres of water! If you're charged for water consumption, this could be a big, unnecessary expense. And what if the leaky pipe is more than just a nuisance? Sometimes it can mean that you have leaky pipes, which can cause major damage to the foundation of your home. Plus – it could lead to a build-up of mildew and mold – two things that can have adverse effects on your health. Persistent, leaky faucets are a good reason to consult a professional.

Slow or clogged drains

Does it take forever for your sink to drain after you do the dishes? Does your bathtub take a long time to empty, and when you're taking a shower do you wind up standing in a pool of water? Most likely you have a slow or clogged drain. While some drain cleaner is sometimes the answer, the problem can be a lot more serious. Plumbers generally advise against using too much drain cleaner. For one thing, most drain cleaners are corrosive. They’re usually only a temporary fix, and if you use them too much, they can damage your plumbing. They’re also dangerous substances to have around the house, and can easily cause skin irritation or chemical burns. Never put them in a pool of standing water. If you call a plumber, they’ll get to the root of the problem and clear the drain in a way that’s safe, effective and long-term. Also – be careful with the kind of things you put down the drain in the first place, such as oil, grease and food scraps.

Water pressure problems

This can be a particularly annoying problem. Have you ever gotten in the shower and found that your usual, steady stream of shower water was suddenly weak? Chances are you have a problem with the water pressure in your home. The fix can be something as simple as having your main shut-off valve accidentally moved into a semi-closed position, but if that’s not it, call a professional. It could be something like a pressure regulator failing, but home repair website The Spruce warns it can also mean that your plumbing system needs to be replaced, with the problem potentially being that your pipes have become too corroded for water to run freely. If your plumbing system is older, this is a more common problem and should be fixed promptly.

When in doubt, call a local plumbing service. Many have 24-hour emergency service for residential clients, and calling them early can often prevent huge problems later on.

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